Voucher for kayak trip, training or goods

Give a voucher for a kayak trip, kayak training or goods to your relatives and friends for Christmas, Birthday, Anniversary or St. Valentine. Imagine the surprise and the expression on their faces! Give a new experience instead of another, probably unnecessary item.

Read more about the kayak trip if you don’t know if the gift is appropriate.

See also our offers for a kayak trip.

Read more about kayak training if you don’t know if the gift is appropriate.

The voucher is sent within 3 days after the request. If you are in a hurry, write a note that you want to receive the voucher at your email address.

When ordering the voucher, you agree to accept the following conditions:

  • The voucher is valid for 1 year
  • The voucher cannot be redeemed by its recipient with us
  • The voucher entitles its holder to participate in any excursion or training of Water Horizon, if there are vacancies. It can also be used for shopping in our store.
  • If the price of the preferred trip is higher than the voucher, a surcharge is required
  • If the price of the preferred trip is lower than the voucher, no money will be refunded. Compensation is possible with goods available in stock

Additional information